Tuesday 2 July 2013

How to select corporate gifts

It depends on what is the purpose of giving the corporate gifts.

If you are planning to host an exhibition, you will like to give away gifts that maximise your advertising value. Corporate Gifts like low cost pens, button badges, tissue papers printed with your corporate message makes a great gifts. I personally like to give out stickee pads, with well  designed layout. Each pad comes with 50 sheets full of your company message. This gets circulated to 50 other people when it is used to pass messages, as it intended to be.

On the other hand, if you going to give a staff for serving 20 years in the company, an appropriate gift that shows how much you oand treasure his services and contributions should be given. Perhaps Wenger watch will be greatly treasured.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

What is corporate gifts

Corporate gifts are gifts that are required by organisations for their corporate and organisation use. It can range from a simple door gifts which could be just a small pad of tissue pad or post it pad with the organsation's messages to very elaborate VIP corporate gifts for the important customers.

All organisations uses corporate gifts one time or another. Organisations from private organisations, like commercial companies from the small one man company to the multinational companies, from social organisations like scouts to SOS, religious organisations, like temples, churches, mosques and the whole government organisations from the Prime Minister Office to all the Ministries, eg defence, education and health. All these organisations have been customers of Memories Souvenirs sometime or another.